Chủ Nhật, 24 tháng 4, 2016

Recap of My Wedding Day + All Photos

Good morning everyone....Today I love to share some of the photos of my wedding day... Before I show more photos of my wedding I would like to extend my gratitude to everyone who have help out on my wedding day preparation and off course to all our family and friends who attended our wedding celebrations...

First I like to thank my husband of course, without him running around handling all the arrangement and decoration on the wedding day while I do my makeup, our wedding will not be a success.... Thank you for always being there for me whenever I needed you. Thank you for loving me and I am so happy to finally living together with you in our beautiful house...

Thank you mum and dad for every little things you do for me!!!! I love you both lotss....

Next I love to thank all my jimuis a.k.a bridemaids who help me out on all wedding decoration preparation and also rehearsing the dance....

Especially thanks to Soo Yin for always giving me advice on everything for my wedding... Thank you for spending time to come all the way to my hse to help out on the runway carpet and helping out so many other things... Love you muackss....

Soo Yin & JQ

JQ I am so thankful to have met you in Genting and then we became best friends now... Thank you for emceeing for my wedding and you really should start your emceeing career soon as you did really well... I am thankful that you agree to be our emcee!! We shall see each other soon again in event!! muacksss muacksssss

Thank you Laura for being my styling assistance and always come to my house to practise hairdo with me.... Also thank you for running around on the wedding night holding my super long gowns.... Huggs.... See you real soon!!

p/s: so in love with this picture!!

Thank you winnie for always helping out on the decoration and help me sort out things for my wedding! Thank you for helping out on the reception!!We shall breakfast soon!

Catherine & Winnie

Catherine, we have been friends for almost 15 years now I believe, I am so thankful to have you as by BFF!!!! Thank you for everything you do and can't wait to catch up with you again soon!

Yuki darling thank you for helping me out picking up my cards and buying those elastic and also helping out on the wedding day!!! love you lots...

Special thanks to Kelvin who help out on making the runway carpet as well as fetching Laura!!

Thank you to all groomens for helping out on all wedding preparation as well!!!!

Thank you Penny for making all the beautiful flower arrangement! I really really loves it!

Thank you Kelly for making such a nice performance for the night!!You have a really lovely voice and great vocals!If you looking to hire singer for your wedding or any event at all hire Kelly!She is really amazing!

and now let me show you some of my favourite pictures on the day and also some of my feelings through out the night....

We arrived at the venue around 8am to prepare for all the decorations. Honestly it was quite a stressful morning making sure everything is in order.... As usual the timing got delayed by many unexpected things but I am glad that it's nothing major!! The biggest thing that we missed is the wind... We never expect the wind can be so strong... So we have to modify the wood pallet photo display, rearrange some other decorations and also making sure flower arch doesn't fall....

also doing my makeup by myself on wedding day takes more time than doing it at home alone... Because there is many distraction and also everyone is moving here and there....but im glad that my makeup turn up well....

Just before the ROM begins we plan to do a simple te ceremony... It became more complicated as my photographer said he wants to take picture of it.... We have to find a nice spot and he start saying those prosperous wordsss....hahahha... Honestly we are not so traditional so we skipped the gate crashing part and we only did ROM & Wedding Dinner.....

So here is me giving my Mother in Law tea..... I love how my gown look here..the sleeve is so beautiful.....

Right after the Tea session (cham cha). Actually thought of just a simple tea session but my photographer were quite traditional they made us do a very proper ones lol...

My god mum arrived...Haha I am still at the other side doing makeup...

Tian Chad & Ding Xiang checking out my photo albumsss..

Thank you Nicole for coming and your angpau is really beautiful!

Thank you Hui Kean for the wishes you write on my guest book...

My two beautiful cousins!

OMG I love this candid shot!! Heka is so adorable...

Haha cute post!!

My college mate and BFF!! I miss you two a lot.. I wish I have more time to talk with them!

and here comes the time just before I walk down the aisle...

My beautiful bridesmaid....

At that moment I was really blurred.... I just walk and continue walk....My mind were all blank really...

hehe my dad look really awkward.... His first time walking down the aisle haha....

Before we sign the certificate....

It's done no more changing mind hahaha... he's mine and I'm his, now and forever!

Exchanging the rings... well I am not into diamond rings and he is not either... if you want to read more why checkout this post... I am just different that way, I prefer to use the money somewhere else than on a diamond ring...

That magical kisss.....

Was really happy, see our smilling faces!

ROM is done.....

Group pic with everyone!!

more picture with my bridemaids....

With my love....

Guess who is the lucky girl?

More picture with my Hubby!! I can now call him my husband!

and then ready to walk into the dinning area..... Were a bit nervous as my heels is rather tall and walking on the step with long tail gown is not easy...

Really love this picture!!!! and my makeup look really flawless here...

My bestie with her husband and daughter...Kendra wants to sleep already!!!

Billy telling everyone how me and Thomas started...

My maid of honour and best men giving a toast.... It was quite honest toast from Soo Yin hahaha..she knows me well...

Yummmmm Sengggggggggggggg....

Cutting this beautiful cake... This cake is done by my friend Bowie... 

Time for wine exchange...

My cute flower girl...

Kendra is so cute here ler....

Our first dance was a lot of practise and hard work... We reherse for about 3 months i think, but only on weekends... We learn from youtube and did not attend any class before... I'm surprise as a few of my friend told me that they thought we went for dancing classes.... It was hard especially for Thomas as he is not good at coordinating moves....but I'm glad we managed to pull off!

After that we did a upbeat dance with everyone dancing along!

It's a wrap yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Feel so happy and relaxed after all is done!!!!!!!

A picture with my beautiful singer that night.

Her performance is really really good and her vocal just unbelievable!!

I still can't believe that we have done the wedding and now we are officially married...  Many ask how's married life. I am really enjoying my married life, having my own space and having my husband beside me every night is really a blessing....  I think I shall end this super long post before it goes any longer...... you guys are amazing for reading till the end...  Love you muackssss!

p/s: For the rest of other photos please refer to this album.

More of my wedding stories here:

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